Is history drastically closer and drastically different from the one we know
From the ancient peoples – the Hebrews, Babylonians, Egyptians, Nordics, Mayans, Incas, Hindus, Navajo Indians – the concept of a flat earth closed by an impenetrable barrier was continuously promoted until Pythagoras (582-496 BC) who believed that the Earth was a sphere. in the center of the universe. It remains unclear how the Pythagorean concept of a round Earth did not prevail, but people would believe in a flat Earth practically until the 20th century. Aristotle (384-322 BC) also places the Earth at the center of the universe, and a little later Eratosthenes (276-194 BC) calculated the volume of the Earth almost close to the modern calculation, again under the premise of a round Earth. Just as Aristotle, twice married, with the view that women have fewer teeth than men, never thought of opening a woman’s mouth and counting how many teeth she has, so neither did Eratosthenes – who measured the distance of the Sun from the Earth based on the assumption that the Sun is at a distance of millions of stadia at that time and therefore sends parallel rays towards the Earth – it never occurred to him to observe the Sun throwing oblique rays with the naked eye. Ptolemy (100-170) bases his system on Aristotle’s thinking and on the assumption that the Sun and the planets move around the Earth as the stationary center of the universe. Since Ptolemy and his Almagest, the fundamental astronomical manual, more than 1,000 years will pass without a single discovery in the field of astronomy. Is this a chronological leap?
In order to better understand what sort of chronological leap it might be, the results of the long-term research of the Russian mathematician prof. Dr. Anatolij Timofejevich Fomenko entitled New Chronology, which en.wikipedia will characterize as a pseudo-archaeological, pseudo-historical and pseudo-scientific theory. Based on the analysis of hundreds of original manuscripts using the mathematical-statistical method, the results of the New Chronology were published in his books History: Fiction or Science vol.1-4. In the preface to the first book, Aleksandar Zinoviev says that the entire history of mankind up to the 17th century is a ‘forgery of global proportions’ .
Thinking about the chronological leap, the answer to one question is of particular importance: can the chronological leap of a thousand years be found outside of Fomenko’s books? In that case, it is advisable to look in this article at the pictures of two tombstones inside the ruins of a fort in India, on which it is written that the Portuguese were buried there in 601 and 684, and it is about the presence of the Portuguese in India in the 1600’s according to the official narrative; or a picture from the film showing the entrance to the terminal in San Francisco where the wall was written “Erected AD 896 “, later changed to 1896; or a picture of the Galleria Umberto building in Naples, on which was written “Anno DCCCXC” – ” year 890″ , later changed to MDCCCXC or year 1890.
But let’s go back to Ptolemy.
The chronology of the historian Joseph Justus Scaliger (1540-1609) places Ptolemy’s Almagest in the period 138-161, although his style is perfectly typical of scientific works of the late Middle Ages, that is, of the period 15th-17th century. Historian of astronomy Gerald J. Toomer (b. 1934) says that it is extremely difficult to discover how the 2nd century Almagest influenced the Middle Ages. The American scientist Robert Newton (1919-1991) says in his book The crime of Claudius Ptolemy that the Almagest could not have been compiled in 137 AD because the fabricated data belong to another period. Obviously, there was a need to place the Almagest in some extra period or go back to the time of the Greek astronomer Hipparchus (190-120 BC).
The Greek noblewoman Anna Komnena (1083-1153/54) writes in her book Alexiad that there are no new discoveries in antiquity. Mentioning Endoxus, Plato, Manetho, she writes that the astronomers of that time did not know how to make a horoscope or observe the stars, although Scaliger wants to convince us that all this was known in ancient Greece. If it is known, it is interpreted further by prof. Dr. Fomenko, if the symbolism of star constellations was accepted in the period from the 11th to the 12th century, then Anna Komnena’s statement could be correct. We can further ask how it is that Anna Komnena does not mention either Polemaeus or Hipparchus when she talks about the astronomers she considers ancient. She mentions a famous Egyptian from Alexandria who knew how to prioritize the future. The history of astronomy knows only one astronomer from Alexandria known as Ptolemy of Alexandria. When Alexiad is compared with Scaliger’s chronology, which places Ptolemy in the 2nd century, and Anna Komnena lived in the 12th century, the question arises whether there is a chronological leap of 1,000 years?
The drawing from 1666 shows Claudius Ptolemy (standing left between two muses) and three famous medieval cartographers; Gerardus Mercator (seated in the middle), Jodocus Hondius and Willem Blaeu (seated on the right). “Historians suggest “, writes Fomenko, “that these characters (Ptolemy and three cartographers of the XVI-XVII centuries) to be separated from each other by some 1300-1400 years“. It remains unclear why Ptolemy has glasses on the tip of his nose when it is known that the first glasses were made by Salvino D’Amate in 1284 in Italy. Could a 17th century painter have known a person who lived 1300-1400 years before him to be able to portray Ptolemy?

For Nicolas Copernicus, the report of Michael Maestlin (1550-1631) contains information that Copernicus was born on February 19, 1473 at 4:48 a.m., and it is known that minutes on clocks did not exist in the 15th century.
If we agree with Copernicus’ biographers, such as Scaliger, continues prof. Dr. Fomenko, that his astronomical work was hidden throughout his life, the question arises, what astronomical instruments did Copernicus use? And most often he used the triquetrum or parallax instrument, which is mostly called Ptolemy’s ruler, and given that Ptolemy is portrayed with the same instrument, the question arises whether Ptolemy and Copernicus were contemporaries?
Another in a series of oddities is that there is not a single letter of Copernicus that he could have addressed to the astronomers of his time or they to him. Therefore, is it possible that the heliocentric concept originated in the late 16th and early 17th centuries? Then, his main work On the rotation of the heavenly circles (De revolutionibus orbium coelestium ) was published in 1543 on the very day of his death, and not during his lifetime, some believe that the reason was because he was afraid of church persecution, which persecution would only follow in 1616 when Copernican teaching is declared heretical and books, including Kepler’s, will be on the list of prohibited until 1835.
Given that Copernican cosmology was banned and the books confiscated for correction, it is hard to believe that the authentic version from the alleged year 1543 has survived to this day. It was completely remodeled in the 17th century. and published with the old date after the original was destroyed.
If Johan Kepler (1571-1630) had a part in promoting Copernicus’ teaching, the question arises whether Kepler (Kepler + nik → Keplernik→ Kopernik ?) was an editor or even a co-author of Copernicus’ opus? If so, is this a chronological leap of about 100 years, asks Prof. Dr. Fomenko.
It is not known exactly when the heliocentric system prevailed. Both concepts seem to have coexisted until, perhaps, the 1930s. We see proof of this in books like Thomas Winship’s
Zetetic Cosmogony (1899), David Wardlaw Scott’s Terra Firma (1901), Gerard Hickson’s Kings Dethroned (1922) and others. An article published in The Cook County Herald newspaper from 1900, which can be found on the Library of Congress page under the title Says the Earth is Round, reports that “Mr. John Gorst, head of the British Department of Education, was threatened by Mr. Ebenezer Breach and other taxpayers of the city of Portsmouth, United Kingdom, to be accused of the damnable and heretical doctrine that the Earth is round … Ebenezer and his friends know, of course, that the Earth is as flat as a pancake”. In the Hawaiian Gazette of January 1907, in an article entitled Was This World Map Made Ten Centuries ago?, an old Buddhist map discovered in a Bubbhist temple in Japan shows a flat Earth with continents unknown to us beyond the Antarctic ring. In the magazine Popular Science , from August 1931, the researcher Auguste Piccard declares that the Earth looked like a flat disk with an inverted edge after he ascended to a height of 16 km in a balloon…
A turning point, however, occurred at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Namely, in 1887, A. A. Michelson and E. W. Morley, like other scientists, were obsessed with the ether. The Michelson-Morley experiment was intended to determine the relative speed of the Earth’s motion in relation to the ether through which light waves propagate . Two scientists, wanting to detect the ether, repeated the experiment over and over again, and always got the same result, which showed that the Earth was not moving through space but was at rest . A misinterpretation of this experiment will lead to the generally accepted conclusion that the ether does not exist. It will be 15 years later Einstein admits that the ether exists in a lecture at Leiden University, but the damage has already been done and science will move in the opposite direction. Einstein’s confession will be ignored by both science and Einstein’s biographer Roland W. Clark (Einstein: The Life and Times, 1971). Michelson-Morley’s experiment will throw into oblivion Einstein’s speech at Kyoto University in Japan in 1922 entitled “How I Created the Theory of Relativity”, on which occasion he will make a contradictory statement: “Since then I have come to believe that the motion of the Earth cannot be detected by any optical instrument, though the Earth is revolving around the Sun ” (Physics Today, Aug 1982).

Before there was any evidence of the shape of the Earth, programming began as early as 1912 with the founding of the film company Universal Picture with a rotating globe at the beginning of every movie we’ve seen for over a hundred years. In 1946, Admiral Richard E. Bird led Operation Highjump, an expedition to Antarctica. They are said to have gone there to investigate the possibility of establishing military research bases. They claim to have mapped the coast of Antarctica during that time. In 1955, the first operation was expanded, now called Deep Freeze. In 1958, NASA was founded, and the Antarctic Treaty will follow in 1959, by which the Antarctic will become a prohibited zone for the civilian population. Why? What should not be known about Antarctica? In 1962, a highly symbolic operation called Fishbowl took place for the closed world, during which nuclear missiles were fired straight up, supposedly to test the Earth’s magnetic field. In the same year 1962, J. F. Kennedy gave his famous speech We decided to go to the Moon. From Lunar Orbiter One, through Apollo 8 and 11, in the period from 1966-1972. pictures of the Earth from deep space are sent, ending with the most famous among them, again a significant name for a tiny planet, the Blue Marble. What remains unknown is whether they landed on the Moon before or after the lunar waves, which waves or energy pulsations of the Moon were recorded by a few independent sky explorers? It seems that even the Moon is not what we were told about it. Be that as it may, NASA “proved” that the Earth is round, and with that the debate about the flat Earth would have ended if NASA had not posted declassified documents on the Internet in which it tells a completely different story.
Flat Earth in documents of US government agencies
In the 18 selected documents, NASA’s 13, CIA’s 2 and ARL’s 3, from the period 1948-2010 – presented chronologically and with the image of the cover and the page from which the quote is taken – the use of the model of a flat, non-rotating Earth and stationary atmosphere. These documents are circulating on the Internet and people are asking why, for example, NASA uses a model of a flat, non-rotating Earth if it is not flat. You can read the answer to that question given by the experts here.
(1) CIA-RPD80-00809A000600231031
In a document by Russian astrophysicists from 1948 entitled Outer Gravitational Field and Shape of the Physical Surface of the Earth, declassified by the CIA in 2011 under the title Scientific – Measurement of the Earth, on the 4th page it is written:
“We can regard the potential of the real earth (…) as known (…) at all points of the physical surface; whereas it is not determinable at all other points of space without knowledge of the shape of the earth …”(…) “But since the shape of the earth is not known, the true coordinates of these points (…) are unknown to us.”

(2) CIA-RPD86-00513R001343720008-3
A document by Russian astrophysicists from 1957 entitled “Investigation of Light Scattering in the Earth’s Atmosphere ” that was declassified by the CIA in 2000. On the page marked as “Card7/21” it is written:
“The dissertation contains a certain formula of the brightness of the sky, taking into consideration only the brightness of the first order and derived on the assumption of a “flat” Earth and giving some conclusions derived on the basis of this formula.“

(3) NASA TN D-645 (1965)
In a document from 1961, entitled Calculation of Wind Compensation for Launching of Unguided Rockets ), in the Trajectory Simulation chapter, it is written:
In addition to the above requirements, this simulation assumes a vehicle with six degrees of freedom and aerodynamic symmetry in roll and the missile position in space is computed relative to a flat nonrotating earth.

(4) NASA-CR-62898 (1965)
The document entitled “Atmospheric Oscillations” states on page 10 that “A model frequently used is that of a flat, nonrotating earth .”

(5) NASA TN D-6218 (1971)
The document entitled A Method for Reducing the Sensitivity of Optimal Nonlinear Systems to Parameter Uncertainty in chapter A Numerical Example, Problem Statement, on on page 12, states that “the idealizing assumptions made are the following: … (2) A flat, nonrotating earth (…)”

(6) NASA TM X-2514 (1972)
On page 2 of the document entitled Determination of angles of attack and sideslip from radar data and roll-stabilized platform it is written: “The method is limited, however, to application where a flat, nonrotating earth may be assumed.”

(7) NASA CR-3073 (1978)
Investigation of Aircraft Landing in Variable Wind Fields states on page 6: ”
The aircraft trajectory employed in this study was derived based on the following assumptions: a) The earth is flat and non-rotating …

(8) NASA TM-81238 (1980)
A Mathematical Model of the CH-53 Helicopter from 1980 states on page 17 that “The helicopter equations of motion … with respect to a flat, nonrotating earth.”

(9) NASA Technical Paper 2768 (1987)
In the User’s manual for LINEAR, a FORTRAN Program to Derive Linear Aircraft Models on page 12 it is written: ” “Within the program, the nonlinear equations of motion include 12 states representing a rigid aircraft flying in a stationary atmosphere over a flat non-rotating earth. On page 15, it is also written: “… flight dynamics of a rigid aircraft flying in a stationary atmosphere over non-rotating earth.

(10) NASA TM-100996 (1988)
On page 4 of the document Flight Testing a V/STOL Aircraft to Identify a Full-Envelope Aerodynamic Model it is written: “For aircraft problems, the state and measurement models together represent the kinematics of a rigid body for describing motion over a flat, nonrotating Earth.”

(11) NASA Reference Publication 1207 (1988)
Derivation and Definition of a Linear Aircraft Model is the most widely circulated document on the Internet, and it refers to “… aircraft of constant mass flying over a flat, nonrotating earth.

(12) NASA Contractor Report 186019 (1991)
“An Aircraft Model for the AIAA Controls Design Challenge “ on page 11 says: “The nonlinear equations of motion used in this model are general six-degree-of-freedom equations representing the flight dynamics of a rigid aircraft flying in a stationary atmosphere over a flat, nonrotating Earth.”

(13) NASA Technical Memorandum 104330 (1997)
On page 8 of Predicted Performance of a Thrust: Enhanced SR-71 Aircraft with an External Payload it is written: “The DPS equation of motion use for assumptions (…) nonturbulent atmosphere, (…) and nonrotating Earth.”

(14) Army Research Laboratory ARL-TR-2156 (2000)
In the ARL Army Research Laboratory document Path-Loss measurements in a Forested Environment at VHF, on page 10 it is written that “The expected transmission loss in decibels over a flat earth is given by …”.

(15) Army Research Laboratory ARL-TR-2352 (2001)
The document Propagation of Electromagnetic Fields Over Flat Earth, in addition to the concept of a flat Earth in the title, in the description of images 6 and 7 it is written: “Comparison of principal fields from an ideal dipole oriented perpendicular and horizontal to a homogeneous flat earth“.

(16) NASA TP-2002-210718 (2002)
In the document Stability and Control Estimation Flight Test Results for the SR-71 Aircraft With Externally Mounted Experiments on pages 10 and 11 it is written: “These equations assume a rigid vehicle and a flat, nonrotating Earth.”

(17) NASA 20060053337 – (2006)
A document from 2006 entitled Singular Arc Time–Optimal Climb Trajectory of Aircraft in a Two-Dimensional Wind Field states that “the flight trajectory is strictly confined in a vertical plane on a non-rotating, flat earth.”

(18) Army Research Laboratory ARL-TR-5118 (2010)
In the document Adding Liquid Payloads to the 6-DOF Trajectory of Spinning Projectiles on page 1 it is written: “A 6-DOF rigid projectile model is employed to predict the dynamics of a projectile in flight. These equations assume a flat Earth.“

A comparison of the content of NASA sites,, NASA tv, NASA Live , filled with images of the round Earth, with the content of quoted documents filled with equations based on the flat Earth model, leads to the conclusion that there are two parallel and opposite concepts. Which one is manipulative and which one is real? Is it manipulative for the broad masses of the people, and real for the narrow scientific community? When asked what shape the Earth is, the overwhelming majority will answer that it is round, and that this is evidenced by images of the Earth from space. How these images are actually created and what, for example, NASA’s Hubble telescope is, see in the article entitled “Illusion of space, part 2: SOFIA, Hubble, satellite on a balloon, Internet in the sea…”