(This text is a transcript of one of 10 video presentations held on September 11, 2021 under the common title Technosphere vs. Biosphere)
In 1962 the Weather Warfare begins with the statement of American Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, which reads as follows:
„Control of space means control of the world.
From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the Earth’s weather to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the Gulf stream and change temperate climates to frigid.
It lays the predicate and foundation for the development of a weather satellite that permit man to determine the world’s cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather, and he who controls the weather will control the world.“
Today we are witnessing exactly what Johnson said 60 years ago. But geoengineering did not begin to develop then, as many think, but 180 years ago, more precisely in 1841 when the American meteorologist James Pollard Espi proposed burning forests on the West coast in order to increase rain on the East coast of the USA. Espy’s idea is considered the earliest idea of climate engineering.

In 1891 the first patent appeared under number US 462795 on the method of producing rain-fall.

Source: https://www.freepatentsonline.com/0462795.pdf
From 1841 to the year of Johnson’s statement, the ideas he talks about such as the diversion of the Gulf Stream appeared.

Source: https://weathermodificationhistory.com/1912-end-of-iceberg-menace-melt-poles/
Thus, in 1912, Carroll Livingston Riker, a New York engineer, proposed changing the climate of the entire Atlantic coast of North America by directing the uncooled Gulf Stream into the very heart of the Arctic to avoid extreme cold. In 1958, Soviet engineer Arkady Markin proposed building a giant dam across the Bering Strait and using a nuclear-powered pump to push the warm Pacific current into the Atlantic to melt the Arctic and Siberia.

If we imagine for a moment the realization of the ideas in the minds of the powerful people about the melting of the ice sheet in the Arctic, in that case Pope Francis would be right when he declared in 2014 that due to global warming we are facing another Great Flood. Or maybe Pope Francis has already known about the next steps of the geoengineering strategy?

The key year in the development of geoengineering was 1946, when Vincent Schaffer, Nobel laureate Irwing Langmuir and Bernard Vonnegut invented cloud seeding technology. The first attempt to modify a natural cloud occurred when Schaffer caused snow to fall in western Massachusetts after unloading nearly 3 kg of dry ice from an airplane into a target cloud.

Source: https://climateviewer.com/2019/01/14/the-history-of-ground-based-cloud-seeding-generators/
Langmuir stated that „Rainmaking“ or weather control can be as powerful a war weapon as the atom bomb. In the amount of energy liberated, the effect of 30 milligrams of silver iodide under optimum conditions equals that of one atomic bomb“.

Source: https://climateviewer.com/2019/01/14/the-history-of-ground-based-cloud-seeding-generators/
In 1947, the Cirrus Project was implemented. About 90 kg of dry ice was thrown into the tropical storm. Soon after seeding, the hurricane suddenly changed direction causing catastrophic flooding in North Florida

Source: https://climateviewer.com/2019/01/14/the-history-of-ground-based-cloud-seeding-generators/
After the 1952 flood, Langmuir stated that „the administrator of the project was on vacation at the time. No one would take responsability for ordering the seeding stopped. If we had stopped our generator two weeks earlier the Missoury Valley floods would not have happened“. In the same interview reffering to the flood of 1947 he said that „there is evidence that rainmaking in some areas may create droughts in others“. In the vernacular, killing two birds with one stone.

Source: https://climateviewer.com/2019/01/14/the-history-of-ground-based-cloud-seeding-generators/
In the same year, 1952, a flood hit the village of Devon in South Britain. The disaster was officially called „the hand of God“, but declassified government documents indicated that the British Royal Air Force conducted an artificial rain-making experiment called Operation Cumulus. The captain of the group, John Hart, stated: „We flew straight through the top of the cloud, poured dry ice down into the cloud“. The Ministry of Defense has categorically refused to acknowledge the existence of any cloud seeding experiment, but declassified documents have revealed that it took place the very week the flood occurred.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/aug/30/sillyseason.physicalsciences
From 1967 to 1972, Operation Popeye was conducted, a war operation in which cloud seeding technology was used as a tactical weapon to increase the rains during the war in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos with the purpose of softening roads, causing landslides, flooding river crossings, which weakened the defense of the attacked. That operation was led by the 54th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, whose goal was the production of mud, not waging war.

From 1969 to 1970, the CIA with its Blue Nile Project implemented a rain embargo on Cuba with the purpose of destabilizing the weather, destroying the sugar cane crops and taking control of the food supply.

Source: https://zerogeoengineering.com/2017/sf-examiner-1976-another-cia-plot-cuba-crops/
The reduction of the ability of clouds to produce rain is discussed in patent number US6315213B1 on the method of weather modification, and on the method of cloud seeding in patent number US3545677A and US5357865A.

Source: https://www.freepatentsonline.com/6315213.pdf

Source: https://www.freepatentsonline.com/3545677.pdf

Source: https://www.freepatentsonline.com/5357865.pdf
Until recently, both rain making and rain blocking were covert programs of the military-corporate complex. Now it is being talked about publicly. In the United Arab Emirates, they make rain using drones, but not with the old technology of dispersing silver iodide, but by emitting electrical pulses.

Source: https://www.seebiz.eu/tehnologija/emirati-izazvali-obilnu-kisu-pomocu-dronova/
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran’s former president, said that Western countries are stealing Iran’s rain by using cloud drying technology.

The Premier of the Canadian province of Manitoba, Brian Pallister, publicly thanked those responsible for sending rain to the province.

Ironically, Australia is one of 50 countries that has been using cloud seeding technology for 74 years. During the holocaust in Australia, its prime minister did not beg the power structures to make rain and put out the catastrophic fire. Instead, he swept to Hawaii because it was too smoky in Sidney. The same can be said for California, which belongs to the state that first conducted geoengineering experiments on its soil, and then on the rest of the world.

Source: https://www.pedestrian.tv/news/scott-morrison-hawaii/
From all of the above, it can be concluded that cloud seeding, with unpredictable and terrible consequences, is a powerful technology. In this context, we can ask whether the recent catastrophic floods are Mother Nature’s way of punishing us, or is there something else behind it?
The official definition of geoengineering leaves the impression that it exists only since the appearance of the so-called global warming. So the Cambridge Dictionary defines geoengineering as „the study and activity of finding ways to change the Earth’s atmosphere in order to reduce global warming“. However, that definition does not give us an answer to three key questions: 1) what are the beneficial effects of geoengineering on the Earth’s climate system, humans, animals and plants, 2) does man have a moral and ethical right to alter the Earth’s natural atmosphere, and 3) do the residents of a certain area give their informed consent for geoengineering interventions to be carried out over their heads?

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKHO9WyzRns
Given that, according to the 2007 conclusion of the UN’s IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, „it is generally difficult to prove the positive effects of geoengineering“, the actual definition of geoengineering is as folows:
Geoengineering, or climate engineering, is a deliberate, technology-induced change in the Earth’s natural climate system with the aim of creating an artificial climate in which the life and health of humans, animals and plants cannot exist, without the consent of the population for the implementation of geoengineering interventions, without evidence of usefulness for the Earth’s environment, the fundamental moral and ethical principles of preserving life on Earth are being destroyed.
They say that geoengineering aims to reduce global warming, but how the myth about it arose is best explained by the Swedish geologist and geophysicist Nils-Axel Mörner in his document abbreviated as Bolin-Palme Treason Against Science.

It all starts in the early 1970s. Swedish meteorologist Bert Bolin proposed a cause-and-effect chain of increasing CO2, rising global temperatures, melting glaciers and rising sea levels. As early as 1975, the fear of a future increase in CO2 content in the atmosphere was found in Swedish government documents. Realizing that he will not be able to control science, Palme proposes the foundation of an intergovernmental body at the UN and the IPCC is founded in 1988, with none other than Palme’s friend Bolin becoming its president. And since then everything goes in the wrong direction. When tasked with peer-reviewing a section of the IPCC’s sea-level report in 1999, Mörner was shocked at the low, unacceptable level at which that section was written. In addition, it was written by 33 authors, not one of whom was an expert on sea levels. Mörner started a sea level research project in the Maldives and it was found that the sea level did not rise at all, and even fell by 10-20 cm in the 1970s. The IPCC’s sea level story was a shameless hoax and Mörner published a booklet about it in 2007 entitled The Greatest Lie Ever Told. But it is only one in a long series of IPCC’s climate scandals.
According to prof. Fred Goldberg, a Swedish scientist and climate analyst, climate change is a natural process. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation PDO, with its own 60-year cycle, 30 years in one and 30 years in the other direction, is an example of natural climate change. PDO is so powerful that it influences the weather of the whole world. The ice in the Arctic is not melting because of warm air, but because of the positive PDO that brings warm water to the Arctic. IPCC’s scientists capture aerial footage of Arctic ice melt and attribute it to global warming while ignoring the fact that ice forms again when the PDO changes direction and starts bringing cold water to the Arctic. A Little Ice Age awaits us, says prof. Goldberg, because the activity of the Sun enters a weaker phase, the PDO will be negative and the Northern Hemisphere will cool.
Prof. Valentina Zharkova from Northumbria University in Great Britain is of the same opinion, that we have entered the period of the Little Ice Age, because the Great Solar Minimum will last from 2020 to 2053, which period, ironically, coincides exactly with the UN agenda 2030.

Source: https://principia-scientific.com/study-solar-cycle-to-cause-a-mini-ice-age-as-early-as-2020/
Furthermore, the greenhouse effect of CO2 is only 1%, and 95% is water vapor. Man’s share in the CO2 greenhouse effect is only 4% of the total 1%. Instead of dealing with carbon dioxide, which not only enhances food production and plants need three times more of it than there is in the atmosphere now, politicians should fill silos with grain, warns prof. Fred Goldberg.
In addition to ignoring the fact of the re-formation of ice in the Arctic, the UN’s IPCC not only ignored the petition of 31,000 American scientists (The Global Warming Petition Project) in which they stated that „there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth“ – as well as 123 peer-reviewed studies from the period 2008-2012 on the influence of the Sun on the climate.

Source: http://williamengdahl.com/englishNEO16Oct2018.php

The previously stated facts lead to a crucial question: for what purpose does the global warming hoax exist? A little deeper research into the 2018 California and 2019 Australian wildfires points to the answer.
The fire in California has a large number of anomalies that cannot be attributed to an act of nature. For example, a tree starts burning at the root, so when it burns, the body of the tree falls, and where the root was, a crater forms, and that without ash, as if the root has completely disintegrated.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma26EBzJkxE&t=47s
It seems to be some kind of smart fire that jumps from house to house bypassing the trees. Evacuated residents from the burned areas were infected with norovirus with the same symptoms as radiation exposure.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhwyQ9Onf4k&t=1826s
Witnesses recorded a blue beam of a directed energy weapon that causes a fire in a fraction of a second.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kb4n6NkUOI&t=835s
Whether smart fires lead to smart cities seems to be answered by maps that show the fire route identical to the high-speed rail route of smart city foundations in both states.

Source: https://crazzfiles.com/australian-bushfires-a-smart-city-conspiracy/

Source: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/wildfires-california-high-speed-railway/
The Bay Area 2040 plan in California is a plan for the future housing construction and transportation system, according to which the construction of roads will be very limited, and investments will only be made in corridors between neighboring settlements, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, meaning – no cars. Nature and rural areas are not mentioned anywhere. Because smart cities and the 5G towers studded in them like to have only cleared space around them.
Now it can be seen how real is Lyndon Johnson’s statement at the beginning of the speech. Weather control would be implemented by climate engineers and the population should be under complete digital surveillance within smart cities. The questions remains – why should we need smart cities at all?